Delivery solutions ready for you

Land Transportation

Trucking Service (Within Peninsular Malaysia)

Less Truck Load (Consolidate)

  • Loose Carton Shipment
  • Palletize Shipment
  • Oversized Shipment
  • Heavy Shipment

Full Truck Load (Chartered)

  • Various Type of Truck Size can support
  • Full Trucking Loading from smaller To xx ton / > 40 ft

Cross-Border Trucking Service (Malaysia >Singapore)

B2B / B2C Export Shipment

  • Loose Carton Shipment
  • Palletize Shipment
  • Sensitive Shipment
  • Customize Shipment
  • Frozen Shipment (Seafood / Food)
  • Full Trucking Loading from smaller To xx ton / > 40 ft

Local Delivery & Distribution

Within Johor Bahru Delivery

  • On Demand Delivery
  • Same Day Delivery
  • Last Mile Delivery
  • Project Delivery

Express Delivery

Express Delivery / Courier Service

Domestics Express Delivery

  • Peninsular Malaysia
  • Sabah & Sarawak (Air)

International Express Delivery

  • To Major Oversea Country

Freight Forwarding

Freight Forwarding

Ocean Freight

  • Sabah / Sarawak
  • Oversea Country

Air Freight

  • Sabah / Sarawak
  • Oversea Country

Our Service Coverage & Delivery Lead Time

Get your shipment delivered fast and ease

Start contact us today